
Denise Robb

Office of Immigration

Where are you from originally?

La Spezia, Italy


Baking, long-distance cycling, running, house renovations, reading historical fiction

Bucket list items

To bungee jump from the Bloukrans Bridge in South Africa, travel to New Zealand, and build a tiny home.

What countries have you visited?

Japan, South Africa, Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, Greece, Switzerland, France, Italy, Spain, Tunisia, England, Ireland, The Netherlands, and Canada.

Which is your favorite place to visit and why?

My favorite place to visit was Cape Town, South Africa. Cape Town has an amazing food scene coupled with a natural landscape that is breathtaking. Hiking Table Mountain was a lot of fun (albeit challenging)!

What is your favorite food?

My favorite comfort food is a grilled cheese, but my favorite meal is roast lamb.

What do you like about working with international students and scholars?

I enjoy the variety in conversations I get to have with international students and scholars. I like to be able to find common ground with students and scholars and then learn more about their home countries and cultures. It is also a great way to learn about new interesting places to visit or recipes to try. It's an extra bonus when I get to speak in Italian to an international student or scholar!

If you could recommend one thing to do in Mobile and the surrounding area, what would it be and why?

If you could recommend one thing to do in Mobile and the surrounding area, what would it be and why? Downtown Mobile hosts a monthly Art Walk where you can walk through various art galleries, shop from street vendors, eat local food, and listen to live music. This is a great way to meet new people or spend time with friends while tasting new foods and exploring new local artists. 

Denise Robb