Center for Emergency Response Training

The Continuing Medical Education-CME Office provides non-credit training and continuing
education courses for emergency medical services (EMS) personnel, such as EMT's and
paramedics, as well as nurses, physicians, and other allied healthcare professionals
in the community.
Continuing Medical Education-CME is housed in the Department of Emergency Medical
Services (EMS) on the University's Campus. The Office has been designated as an authorized
training center (TC) of the American Heart Association. The Office also provides other
non-credit training courses of interest to the emergency response community.
Space is limited, so register early. Registrations must be received no later than three days prior to the date of the class. Please call the front office to register and remit payment using a credit or debit card. No checks please.
Department of EMS Education
Attention: Rebecca Faulk Continuing Education Coordinator
600 Clinic Dr- Suite 400
Mobile, AL 36688-0002
Please call (251)-461-1832 to register for AHA and NCCP classes
Designed for healthcare professionals whose daily occupation demands proficiency in the knowledge and skills of adult resuscitation. A current BLS card is recommended. The course is conducted in one day and approximately 8 to 10 hours in duration.
Designed for healthcare professionals whose daily occupation demands proficiency in the knowledge and skills of pediatric resuscitation. A current BLS card is recommended. The course is taught in one day; however pre-course work and self-assessment test must be completed prior to attending the class.
Courses are scheduled on an as needed basis.
Designed for healthcare professionals who may need to provide either basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), AED use, or foreign body airway obstruction (FBAO) management in either children or adults. The course is approximately 4 hours in duration.
Designed for participants from a Provider course who attain Instructor Potential (IP) status. Course is a one day, eight (8) hour course which qualifies the participant to educate students at the Provider levels. These courses are by invitation only.
Designed for laypersons who have a need to know cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and foreign body airway obstruction (FBAO) management techniques for adults. This course is useful for elementary through high school students, neighborhood groups with primarily adults and spouses caring for adults at high risk for heart attacks or strokes.
Designed to assist those licensed EMS personnel who are in need of a DOT National Standard EMS Refresher class for recertification purposes. Call department for availability and costs.
Classes are subject to cancellation if a minimum number of registrations are not met. If a class is cancelled you will be notified via email three days prior to course date. If you are unable to attend the class you initially registered for you may transfer to another class or request a refund. If you choose to transfer, please notify our office 3 days prior to the class date. No Call/No Show attendees will only be allowed one occurrence to reschedule a class without forfeiting the registration fee.
Participants must arrange for their own meals.
The CME courses are offered at the 91ÌÒÉ« Main Campus, EOB Bldg, 600 Clinic Drive, 4th floor.
Continuing Education Coordinator
Rebecca Faulk
Pat Capps Covey College of Allied Health Professions
Department of Emergency Medical Services
600 Clinic Drive Suite 400
Mobile, AL 36688-0002