
The Caldwell Scholarship

The Caldwell Endowment has provided scholarship funds for 50 students in the College of Arts and Sciences to study abroad.    


The 2019 James Francis and
Ivel Patterson Caldwell Scholar

 Caldwell 2019

Nadeerah Abdul-Addarr is an International Studies major, with a concentration in Middle Eastern Studies. She is pictured above with Leigh Vaughan, Diz Caldwell, Beth Moore, Nancy Patterson, Jim Caldwell, Robin Ackerbloom, and Terry Moore. She will spend her summer in Jordan in an intensive Arabic language program. 



The 2019 Nowlin-Caldwell Scholar

 Nowlin Caldwell 2019

Lindsay Hodge is an International Studies and MCLL/Russian major, minoring in economics. She is pictured above with: Dr. Barry Nowlin, Luke Nowlin, Diz Caldwell, Jim Caldwell, Nancy Patterson, Beth Moore. She will be studying in Russia this summer.