
Acrobat Training

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Our next training course should run during Fall 2024. Please check back for dates and to apply.

The move to remote and online learning environments in Spring 2020 emphasized the need for faculty to be able to produce accessible course materials compliant with federal guidelines.

Accessible documents are those created to be easily readable by a sighted reader as well as a low vision or non-sighted reader. According to Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, individuals with disabilities must have access to the same information as those without disabilities.  

When we follow accessibility guidelines for creating course documents we:

  • improve the learner experience
  • provide access to the content for everybody
  • comply with the law
  • add tools to our skill toolbox

The primary goal of the Adobe Acrobat Pro course is to help you create accessible and fillable documents that will meet federal and university accessibility standards.

For technical support, the Adobe webpage provides most answers for finding and fixing issues:

If you have questions about Adobe Acrobat licensing for the university, please contact Computer Services.